Faculty Members


Yasemin Özkan, Dr. Professor

Chair of Department of Social Work

Research Interests:Clinical Social Work, School Social Work, Bullying and Violence, Children and Family Welfare, Family Counselling, Positive Psychotherapy, Integrative Psychotherapy, Evidence based Practice, Women's Studies.

Phone: (0312) 297 63 63 (343)
E-mail: yaseminozkan@hacettepe.edu.tr, ymozkan@gmail.com


Kasım Karataş, Dr. Professor

Research Interests: Macro Approach at Social Work (Social work with Community, Social Policy, Social Work Management), Poverty, Unemployement, Disability, Family, Children and Youth Welfare, Social Work Legislation, Research.

Phone: (0312) 297 63 63 (359)
E-mail: kkaratas@hacettepe.edu.tr
Personal Web Site

Sunay İl, Dr. Professor

Research Interests: Clinical Social Work Theory and Practices, Social Work with Families, Consultancy, Training, Mediation, Social Wordk Education, Deliquency Woman and Social Work.

Phone: (0312) 297 63 63 (319)
E-mail: suil@hacettepe.edu.tr


Özlem Cankurtaran, Dr. Professor

Research Interests: Emancipatory Social Work Theory, Violence against Women, Women's Studies, Violence and Masculanity Studies.

Phone: (0312) 297 63 63 (324)
E-posta: ozlemc@hacettepe.edu.tr

Sema Buz, Dr. Professor

Research Interests: Asylum, Immigration, Social work with Immigrants and Refugees, LGBTİ, Queer Studies, Old age, Poverty, Social Policy, Social Work Ethics, Gender and Women Studies.

Phone: (0312) 297 63 63 (323)
E-mail: semabuz@hacettepe.edu.tr
Personal Web Site


Tarık Tuncay, Dr. Professor

Hacettepe University - Department of Social Work External Relations Coordinator

Research Interests: Child-family policies, Social Welfare Services Management, Vulnerable Populations, Social Policies, Disaster Management, Family Counseling, Psychosocial Support Programs, Medical Social Work, Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods.

Phone: (0312) 297 63 63 (320)
E-mail: ttuncay@hacettepe.edu.tr
Personal Web Site


Reyhan Atasü Topçuoğlu, Dr. Professor

Research Interests: Human Rights, Migration, Migration and Social Work, Feminist Social Work, Social Policy, Countering with Human Trafficiking, International Social Work.

Phone: (0312) 297 63 63 (360)
E-mail: ratasu@hacettepe.edu.tr


Ercüment Erbay, Dr. Professor

Research Interests: Children's Rights, Child Labor, Scientific Research Methods, Child Abuse, Homeless.

Phone: (0312) 297 63 63 (358)
E-mail: eerbay@hacettepe.edu.tr
Personal Web Site

Nilgün Küçükkaraca, Dr. Associate Professor

Research Interests: Social Policy, Family Policies, Social Work Theory and Practices, Family, Women, Disabled, Social Work with LGBTI Individuals and Migrating Families, Social Problems, Internal and External Migration, Forced Internal Migraton, Disaster Management.

Phone: (0312) 297 63 63 (356)
E-mail: nilgunk@hacettepe.edu.tr

Aslıhan Aykara, Dr. Associate Professor

Research Interests: Disabled, Right based Approach, Respect for Diversity, Scientific Research Methods and Social Work Research, Gender Studies, Interviewing Techniques, Social Work Ethics, Communication with Play, School Social Work.

Phone: (0312) 297 63 63 (347)
E-mail: aaykara@hacettepe.edu.tr


Özge Sanem Özateş Gelmez, Dr. Associate Professor

Research Interests: Ethics, Human Rights, Social Work Philosophy, Creative Drama, Social Policy, Feminist Social Work

Phone: (0312) 297 63 63 (341)
E-mail: sozates@hacettepe.edu.tr


Burcu Hatiboğlu, Dr. Associate Professor

Research Interests: Urbanization, Feminist Social Work, Poverty, Human Rights, Social Policy, Anti-Oppressive Social Work.

Phone: (0312) 297 63 63 (331)
E-mail: bhatib@hacettepe.edu.tr, burcuhatiboglu@gmail.com

Türken Çağlar, Dr. Associate Professor

Research Interests: Social work with the elderly, social policies for the elderly, social problems, vulnerable groups, migration and social work.

Phone: (0312) 297 63 63 (149)
E-mail: turkancaglar@gmail.com

Gamze Erükçü Akbaş, Dr. Associate Professor

Research Interests: Child welfare, Child rights, Women's Rights, Social Work Ethics, Social Work Theories, Social Work Research, Human Behavior, Psychodrama, Group Therapy

Phone: (0312) 297 63 63 (341)
E-mail: gamzeerukcu@hacettepe.edu.tr

Aslıhan Burcu Öztürk Çıplak, Dr. Associate Professor

Research Interests: Violence against women, working with men who perpetrate violence against women, children's rights, social work theory, social policy, creative drama

Phone: (0312) 297 63 63 (132)
E-mail: aslihanburcu@yahoo.com

Gökhan Topçu, Dr. Associate Professor

Research Interests: Gender Studies, Social Policy, Masculanity Studies

Phone: (0312) 297 63 63 (349)

E-posta: gokhant@hacettepe.edu.tr

Uğur Özdemir, Dr.

Research Interests: Marriage, Family, Children and Youth, Crisis, Gestalt Psychotherapy, Social work with Individual, Family and Groups, Scientific Research Methods, Social Problems, Medical and Psychiatric Social Work

Phone: (0312) 297 63 63 (322)
E-mail: uozdemir1@gmail.com