Social Work
Social Work

Homepage of the Department

Welcome to the official web site of our social work department which is over 50 years old in the education of social work in Turkey. Our department holds its position as the first and the pioneer university department in social work education on the levels of undergraduate, MA and PhD in Turkey.

General Definition of Social Work Profession

The social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of individuals, families, groups and communities to enhance well-being. Utilising theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes at the points where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work (IASSW, 2001; IFSW, 2001).

General Definition of Social Worker

Social worker is the member of social work profession who performs interventions with the help of methods and techniques peculiar to social work by utilizing theories of human behavior and social systems towards enhancing problem solving and coping capacities of the individual, family and society and generating, remedying, protecting and developing the pscho-social functionality; while providing planning and application for the aim of meeting people’s needs via social policy and programs.  


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